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God is love and we see Christ in one another.

God is love.

Love is the quiet of Haiti early in the morning before the sun rises. Love is the sound of motorcycles and Tap Taps bringing Haitians from town to town, offering new opportunities. Love is the chatter of Haitian school children dressed in blue and white check uniforms hurrying to school. Love is the early morning repetition of prayers offered up to God through the intercession of Mary.

Love is the majestic mountain, the flowing river and clear blue skies of Lascahobas. Love is the rapping of hammers always building and improving Haiti. Love is the cry of a healthy newborn baby on the Central Plateau. Love is the first turning of the key in the new door – the security and safety of home.

God is love and we see Christ in one another.

As you continue your walk this weekend, invite in the sight and sounds of Haiti. Let the memories wrap around and cover you. Soak in the spirituality and love of Haiti. Feel the love that bears, believes, hopes and endures all things – be that never ending love for others.

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